The Cache Belt™ | Buckle Update!

As you are well aware the Cache Belt Project is being held up by one supplier, the buckle manufacturer. It is infuriating, to say the least. Especially considering that we have all the other parts sitting on the shelf and they continue to drag their feet in every way possible.

However, today we got our hands on the sample from the new mold!!!

We are waiting on a response from the manufacturer and to be as transparent as possible, we'll tell you our first impressions.


When tested, the sample is non-magnetic which means they did indeed use proper stainless steel this time (don't ask). The carbon steel buckle shouldn't be a problem as it is easier to produce.

The buckle incorporates all of the major improvements we have requested and is, for every practical sense, a fully-functioning buckle. It opens. It closes. And almost more importantly, it opens beverages.


3 dimensions need to be addressed.

  • 1) The main cam teeth could be longer to provide more of a bite on the webbing.
  • 2) The back adjuster cam teeth could be longer to also provide more bite, also.
  • 3) The main hinge could use adjustment to eliminate side-to-side slop.

Keep in mind, all of these things are already addressed in the 3D model and they are working towards tool validation and hopefully, it'll be minor tweaks, not a major overhaul.


This sample is not an FAI (First Article Inspection), which is what we will require before we can go full on mass production. It has yet to be plated and is still in its raw form. It is ugly. We are working to confirm the quality of plating as wells as color with factory while they are working out the last few bugs.

Thank you all for all your support! We know that you have been patiently waiting for your Cache Belt and we couldn't be more appreciative. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to call or email.

~ Dustin & The Wazoo Crew

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