FEATURE | Wazoo Wins "Best Outdoor Brands 2017" by CreditDonkey

CreditDonkey announced Wazoo as the winner of one of their Best Outdoor Brands Award!


"Wazoo Survival Gear creates products with your safety in mind. That means a business card that can act as a fire starter, a belt with a hidden compartment, a hat with hidden pockets, or a beer koozie with survival tips. Functional, fun, unique and helpful, these products stand out in the world of outdoor adventures and travel. Dustin Hogard and Nick Blackman started Wazoo Survival Gear back in 2008 and became an LLC in 2011.

Why Wazoo Survival Gear is a Top Outdoor Brand: They sell survival gear in the form of belts, bracelets, necklaces, and hats. They even offer survival kit components specifically designed to be compact and fit in the belt. They are based out of Seabrook, TX."

See our products and everyday carry gear in our online store. 

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