Tim Ferriss | Wazoo Wearer and Tide Lifter

Last year during the holiday season we were honored and surprised that our Woodchuck, which is incorporated into Huckberry's Essentials EDC Kit, was chosen by Tim Ferriss to be in his Gear Shop on Huckberry. Only 6 different products were chosen.

The Tim Ferriss Huckberry Gear Shop List
  1. Essential EDC Kit (w/ Wazoo Woodchuck)
  2. GoRuck GR1 - 26L
  3. Myles Everyday Short
  4. Flint and Tinder 10-Year Hoodie/Pullover
  5. Santa Fe Stoneworks Woolly Mammoth Bone Knife
  6. Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss

1 out of 6 ain't too bad of a shortlist, right? 

And it should be noted that Flint and Tinder is owned by Huckberry, and that Tools of Titans was written by Tim. If you discount those two for obvious bias, it's basically 1 out of 4!

Regardless, to be chosen by a practicer of minimalism and with the kind of life-changing influence Tim has had, is a merit we will forever wear with pride.

Here's an excerpt plagiarized from Wikipedia proclaiming Tim's influence.

The New Yorker described Ferriss as this generation's self-help guru.

Wired called Ferriss “The Superman of Silicon Valley”.

The New York Times said Ferriss was "somewhere between Jack Welch and a Buddhist monk.

Newsweek declared Ferriss "The World's Best Guinea Pig" the seventh most powerful online personality.

Fortune's "40 Under 40".

Fast Company's "Most Innovative Business People of 2007"

Both The 4-Hour Body and The 4-Hour Workweek are in the "10 Most Highlighted Books of All Time" on Amazon Kindle.

Tim's influence spans in one more important direction... The path of Wazoo Survival Gear. 

His books, podcasts, interviews, and speeches have been an important guiding vision for Wazoo. From running a business and philosophy to diet and lifestyle design. 


"For all of the most important things, the timing always sucks. Waiting for a good time to quit your job? The stars will never align and the traffic lights of life will never all be green at the same time. The universe doesn't conspire against you, but it doesn't go out of its way to line up the pins either. Conditions are never perfect. "Someday" is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you. Pro and con lists are just as bad. If it's important to you and you want to do it "eventually," just do it and correct course along the way.”

 Tim Ferriss, 4 Hour Work Week

Last year, when Tim's book came out Tools of Titans, I bought one for everyone in the office and it was the one book I took with me to Switzerland when I visited My Swiss. It's an impressive book. Read it! The worst that could happen is that become a better you.

This year, Huckberry has re-uped on orders of Woodchucks and we thank Tim for choosing them for his Gear Shop, but most of all we thank him for taking big leaps to share his thoughts and the thoughts of other go-getters.

For some reason, Tim's influence and the way he has uplifted and empowered the world reminds me of a saying...

"A rising tide lifts all boats"

Which reminds me of another boat quote that goes...

"A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.”


— John A. Shedd.

During Hurricane Harvey, my boat was moored up to a local marina's static dock. When the tide rose unusually high, my sailboat's dock lines, safely held it in its slip. However, the dock lines restricted the boat from rising completely with the water and it was pulled between being completely buoyant and upright and clinging to the security of the dock. These conflicting forces caused damage to my sailboat and even sunk a larger boat in my marina.

So maybe boats aren't even completely safe staying in the harbor? Perhaps the best place to weather the storm, is in it?

Maybe I'm mincing quotes here, so I'll let Tim summarize...

“What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.” 

— Tim Ferriss


~ Dustin and the Wazoo Crew

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